The installation is designed to carry out the operation of pumping and simultaneous sulfitation with SO2 mother solution of the pulp obtained after crushing and destemming of grapes. In addition, it can be used for sulfiting of must and wine materials, as well as for pasting wine materials with solutions of gelatin, tannin and bentonite suspension at the same time.
The installation consists of the following independent products:
a mobile mezgona pump with a dosing unit mounted on it;
a tank on a trolley for the production of mother liquor;
a cart with a weighing device for transporting the SO2 cylinder and measuring the SO2 dose.
The VNPB – 32/32 mezgonasop is equipped with a special attachment on which you can mount from 1 to 3 dosing pumps (depending on the order, the consumer),
One dosing pump with a flow rate of 0 – 125 dm3/h is supplied in the basic configuration. At the customer’s request, two more dosing pumps can be installed with a flow rate of 0-125 m3/h and 0-800 dm3/h, respectively. Dosing pumps – plunger type with a drive from a mezgonasap reducer. The amount of feed is adjustable both in motion and in the stopped position.
In addition, the mesopump is equipped with devices for introducing ingredients into the mesopipe.
The tank on the cart consists of a cart on which a centrifugal electric pump is mounted, a tank with a device for introducing liquid SO2, a safety valve and an indicating device, and a control panel.
The cart with a weighing device is equipped with scales, a filter and a reducer for SO2. The trolley has a device for installing and securing the SO2 cylinder in a vertical position with the valve down and a device for smoothly lowering the cylinder onto the scale.
The ingredients are supplied to the dosing pumps via rubber hoses.