Industrial drying equipment: main types and possibilities

An important stage of many production processes is drying - removal of moisture contained in the material. It is carried out naturally or artificially.

The natural drying process takes place in the fresh air. This lengthy process often depends on weather conditions. It is used for processing a large amount of material, such as peat.

Artificial drying is carried out in special drying units. At the same time, a drying agent (air, gas, steam) is used, supplied by a fan.

Before thermal drying, mechanical removal of moisture can be carried out by means of squeezing, filtering, settling, dewatering in a centrifuge. It allows you to reach a humidity of 50-60%.

Types of dryers in industry

Industrial dryers are classified according to several parameters.

According to the heat supply method:

convective (gaseous drying agent transfers heat and removes evaporating moisture);
contact (heat is transferred through the wall that separates the material from the coolant);
radiation (infrared rays are used);
dielectric (the basis of the drying process is the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy);
sublimation (removal of frozen moisture occurs in a deep vacuum).

Convective (vortex, spray, chamber, tunnel, belt drum) and contact dryers (paddle, roller unit, drying cabinet) are most often used.

Depending on the drying agent used, there are air, gas and steam dryers.

Depending on the pressure: vacuum and atmospheric.

By temporal parameters of organization of the drying process: continuous and periodic. At the same time, continuous installations may differ depending on the flow direction: direct current, countercurrent, cross or with mixed phase current.

The choice of drying method and equipment depends on the material, its chemical properties and technological process features.

Drying units produced by VKF "Techno-T"

The company "Techno-T" produces several types of plants for drying different types of raw materials.

Rotary-disc (RDS-18, RDS-40, RDS-60) and rotary-tubular (RTS-75, RTS-160) models of units that work on steam. They are successfully used for drying grated vegetables, bran, cake, pulp, beer grist, alcohol bard, fish and meat industry waste, which contain no more than 55-65% moisture. The design of the installation allows to ensure the moisture content of the product at the output of 8-10% for productivity from 70 to 690 kg/h.

Before transfer to the dryer, pasty and porridge-like raw materials are pre-treated - squeezing or dehydration in a centrifuge. Drying takes place in a continuous mode using indirect heating. The final product does not contain carcinogens and foreign odors.

Such installations are used in lines for the production of fodder flour from alcohol bard, in fishmeal production.

Straightening units A1-OR2Ch with a spray dryer are used in the food (dairy processing enterprises), chemical, pharmaceutical industry. They are intended for drying whole and skimmed milk, whey, milk substitutes, cream, tea, dyes, yeast, mixtures containing milk. The design provides for centrifugal disk spraying with the upper supply of the coolant. The air is heated by a steam heater.

The SK-1.4 00.00.000 drying complex dries peat crumb to a moisture content of 18%. In the course of drying, humic and humic acids are collected from the steam in the form of an aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.5%, which are sent to the settling tank. The moisture content of raw materials at the entrance should not be higher than 50%. Loading of the complex occurs evenly and continuously through the live bottom and belt conveyor. The equipment allows you to get a high-quality dry product with optimal energy consumption.

Our specialists can perform installation and commissioning works. All equipment can be supplied with spare parts and components.
