What equipment is needed for feed production

Recently, the demand for equipment for feed mills has been growing. Previously, Ukrainian farmers often bought ready-made fodder, but now their own production has become more economically profitable. This eliminates procurement and transportation costs, as well as problems with late delivery or lack of the necessary product in the seller's warehouses.

The production of compound feed independently allows farms to save on intermediaries and invest in development. However, this requires equipment that meets the needs and capabilities of the farm.

Equipment for the production of compound feed
The line for the production of compound feed includes several units used at each stage - from receiving grain to unloading the finished product. The composition of the compound feed shop includes:

grain crusher;
weighing device;
transport mechanisms.
Equipment for the production of compound feed can be purchased separately or in the form of ready-made complexes. Depending on the scale of the farm, the number of workshops and warehouses is determined, the models of aggregates are selected, which will ensure the required productivity and quality of compound feed.

It is important to ensure the automation of technological processes in order to simplify the management of the installation and obtain high results from the entire production.

Combined feed plants: equipment
In addition to production equipment, feed mills must ensure thorough preparation of grain for processing, cleaning and storage. During the planning of the enterprise, you need to provide a place for the following structures:

Silos for compound fodder and grain of various configurations and shelf life of products.
Bunkers with the possibility of unloading fodder.
Equipment for receiving and shipping raw materials.
Norias, loaders, conveyors.
Waste hopper.
Shops for grain mixture processing and fodder production.
Warehouses for storing the finished product and components for compound feed, including liquid additives.
This equipment provides optimal conditions for obtaining high-quality feed and minimizes possible losses of raw materials. However, the construction of such a plant is available only to large enterprises with a sufficient production base, their own land for crops and large livestock. For small farms, the optimal solution is the purchase of a combined feed mini-shop.

Mini compound feed plant
The mini-plant for the production of compound feed is a modern installation that performs all operations for the production of loose feed for poultry, pigs and cattle. Such lines are able to produce high-quality fully rational feed that meets the necessary norms and standards.

By purchasing combined fodder mini-shops, farmers can adjust the grinding and composition of products depending on the season, dose and change components, introduce medicinal products, vitamins and mineral complexes. Thus, the produced fodder will meet the current needs of the farm, have guaranteed quality and low cost.
